About Me


Hi, my name is Weston Mauz. I am a natural born leader and filled with ambition. I spend most of my time working towards my many goals, which spread across many disciplines. I enjoy bringing others along for the journey as I help them accomplish their own goals in the process. I am continually looking for new ways to get better, as there is always something new to learn.


I am an extremely goal-oriented person, which goes hand-in-hand with my ambition. I never get bored because there's always something I'm trying to learn. I like to see my goals out until they are completed, no matter how difficult they may be. Some of my current goals include:

  • Build a full stack application
  • Become a scratch golfer
  • Establish my art portfolio
  • Cultivate a greenhouse
  • Learn the art of cooking


I enjoy pursuing athletic endeavors in my free time to stay in shape, keep my mind sharp, and spend time with my friends. My competitive nature is able to flourish when playing sports, which is another reason I enjoy them so much. I tend to pick up a leadership role within my competitive sports since I take joy in helping teams find their true potential. I'm always looking for new ways to push myself within these sports as it is a never-ending pursuit of perfection. My main sports include:

  • Golf
  • Skiing
  • Ultimate Frisbee
  • Cycling


In my free time, I've got plenty of interests that I turn to. Leisure time is important to me to help express my creativity and enjoy time with my friends. I keep my leisure activites non-competitive and do them solely for the enjoyment of the activity. I have long-term goals associated with these activities as to give me direction. These activities include:

  • Yoga
  • Cooking
  • Botany
  • Photography